
Missions is central to the universal mandate of the church. This course seeks to uncover the hidden message in the Book of Acts which reveals not so much the readiness of the early church to spread the Gospel but their reluctance to do so. The Holy Spirit turned their reluctance into resolve and unleashed a mission force that transformed the world for Jesus Christ! Students will learn the theological impetus for missional discipleship, the historical and contemporary way God has been working in and through the church to spread the gospel through the world, and equip students with practical handles on how to live a missional lifestyle.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Course Instructions

    2. Workbooks

    1. Topic 1 - The Missions Mandate

    2. Watch | What is an Unreached People Group?

    3. Topic 2 - The Great Commission Revisited

    4. Watch | Understanding the Remaining Task

    5. Read | Prioritizing the Essential Elements of the Great Commission

    6. Topic 3 - The Antioch Factor

    7. Watch | You Were Made for Missions

    8. Quiz 1

    1. Topic 4 - Impact of Short-term Mission Trips

    2. Watch | 6 Ways to Reach the World

    3. Topic 5 - Building Missional Families

    4. Quiz 2

    1. Topic 6 - The Local Church in Missions

    2. Read | The Search for the Missional Church

    3. Topic 7 - Kingdom, Church & Marketplace

    4. Read | People Live and Work in the Public Square

    5. Topic 8 - Megatrends in Missions Today

    6. Quiz 3

    1. Course Evaluation Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content


Pastor Benny Ho

Pastor Benny Ho is a renowned Bible teacher and the Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church in Perth, Western Australia. He is also a consultant to several churches in Asia and in Australia. His twin passion in ministry is expository preaching and mentoring. He founded Arrows Ministry more than 10 years ago to help local churches equip every member to become a minister for Christ.

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Course Price: $60