
Paul has exhorted us in 1 Corinthians 14 to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. This course introduces students to the prophetic office and exposes them to the theological truths and practical applications of the gift of prophecy. Students will leave equipped with some basic handles of prophecy and with a fresh encounter with the Lord.

Course curriculum

    1. A Preview to Essential Prophetic Foundations

    2. Welcome to Essential Prophetic Foundations!

    3. Workbooks

    4. Journal

    1. Topic 1.1: Introduction to Prophetic Destiny

    2. Reflection Activity

    3. Journal Entry 1

    4. Topic 1.2: Your Ordained Assignment

    5. Reflection Activity

    6. Journal Entry 2

    7. Topic 1.3: Two Spiritual Keys to Reach your Prophetic Destiny

    8. Watch | Believe the Promises of God | Paul Washer

    1. Topic 2.1: Seven Dynamic Benefits of Waiting Time

    2. Reflection Activity

    3. Topic 2.2: Eight Dynamic Ways of Waiting before God

    4. Reflection Activity

    5. Journal Entry 3

    1. Topic 3.1: Hearing the Voice of God (Part 1)

    2. Topic 3.2: Hearing the Voice of God (Part 2)

    3. Read | Excerpt from "Discerning the Will of God" | Benny Ho

    4. Journal Entry 4

    5. Topic 3.3: Can I Prophesy?

    6. Read | Why Christians Can Still Prophesy | Wayne Grudem

    1. Topic 4.1: A Biblical View of Prophecy

    2. Journal Entry 5

    3. Topic 4.2: Preparation of the Heart to Prophesy

    4. Personal Reflection

    5. Topic 4.3: Laws that Govern the Operation of the Gift of Prophecy

    6. Journal Entry 6

    7. Journal Submission

    1. Course Evaluation Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content


Rev Benedict Rajan

Rev Benedict Rajan, Senior Overseer of Calvary City Church Johor, is a dynamic preacher and an anointed evangelist. Besides having a gift of unpacking the Word of God, he has been used mightily in the prophetic anointing and in signs, wonders and miracles. He has been in the ministry for over 35 years and has pioneered more than 70 churches, over 30 social homes, schools and has established various mission-alliances around the world

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Course Price: $60