
There is a real need to discern the will of God in our lives. The Bible points us to a God who is our loving Heavenly Father. If we accept the fact that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants the best for us, would it not be logical for us to believe that our Heavenly Father would want us to know all that He has planned for us? This course will bring you on a journey to discover God’s personal calling and will for your life.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Course Instructions

    2. Workbooks

    1. Introduction

    2. Topic 1.1: The Pursuit of Purpose (1)

    3. Watch | How to unlock the power of purpose | Richard Leider

    4. Quiz

    5. Topic 1.2: The Pursuit of Purpose (2)

    6. Read | Spiritual Gifts | John Piper

    7. Watch | Video Testimony| Nicholette Chew

    8. Worksheet | DESIGN

    1. Topic 2: Understanding the Call

    2. Read | Biblical perspective on calling | Baylor University

    3. Watch | Start with Why | Simon Sinek

    4. Quiz

    1. Topic 3.1: Plotting a Personal Timeline

    2. Topic 3.2: The General Timeline

    3. Topic 3.3: Plotting your personal timeline - final instructions

    4. Read | Let your life speak | Parker Palmer

    5. Assignment | Personal Timeline

    1. Topic 4: Clarifying your Personal Values

    2. Watch | The Passion Shift - Career to Calling | John Maxwell

    3. Watch | Career vs Calling | Vlad Savchuk

    4. Worksheet | Crafting a Personal Calling Statement

    1. Course Evaluation Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


Pastor Benny Ho

Pastor Benny Ho is a renowned Bible teacher and the Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church in Perth, Western Australia. He is also a consultant to several churches in Asia and in Australia. His twin passion in ministry is expository preaching and mentoring. He founded Arrows Ministry more than 10 years ago to help local churches equip every member to become a minister for Christ.

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Course Price: $60