
Students are exposed to basic, fundamental theology. This course aims to promote interest to study the Bible deeper and to read wider about the study of God. It challenges believers to think ‘why they believe what they believe’ and also, to provide an avenue for dialogue on current worldviews. (Note: This course requires intensive reading )

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Message & Course Instructions

    1. 2-1 What is Christian Theology?

    2. 2-1-1 Why Study Theology? | Alister McGrath

    3. 2-2 From where does Christian theology draw its knowledge?

    4. 2-2-1 Four Sources of Christian Theology

    5. 2-3 General Revelation and Special Revelation

    6. 2-3-1 Introducing Christian Doctrine, pp 42-59 | Millard Erickson

    7. 2-4 God and Creation

    8. 2-4-1 Introducing Christian Doctrine, pp 129-136 | Millard Erickson

    1. 3-1 The Fall and Sin

    2. 3-1-1 The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1-24) |

    3. 3-2 What is Salvation?

    4. 3-2-1 Salvation From Sin |

    5. 3-3 The Lordship of Jesus

    6. 3-3-1 The Present Universal Lordship of Christ |

    7. 3-4 Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus

    8. 3-4-1 The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Messiah |

    9. 3-4-2 The Ascension of Jesus Christ |

    10. 3-4-3 Know the Truth, pp 202-203 | Bruce Milne

    1. 4-1 The "Personhood" of the Holy Spirit

    2. 4-1-1 Know the Truth, pp 221-226 | Bruce Milne

    3. 4-2 The Holy Spirit's role prior to the Church Age and in the Church Age

    4. 4-3 The Basic meaning of the term "Church"

    5. 4-3-1 What is the Church? |

    6. 4-4 Biblical Images of the Church

    7. 4-4-1 Introducing Christian Doctrine, pp 339-345 | Millard Erickson

    1. 5-1 The Certainty of Christ's Return & the Indefiniteness of the Time

    2. 5-1-1 When Christ Comes for the Church |

    3. 5-2 The Character of the Second Coming

    4. 5-2-1 The Second Coming of Christ (Luke 21:25-36) |

    5. 5-3 Implications of the Second Coming and its Consequences

    6. 5-3-1 Introducing Christian Doctrine, pp 383-392 | Millard Erickson

    7. 5-4 Quiz

    1. Course Evaluation Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 34 lessons


Rev Dr Dawson Elliott

Rev. Dr Dawson Elliott is a gifted theologian, preacher and teacher. He has a passion for pastoral ministry and Christian Education. He is currently serving as the Principal and CEO of the Bible College of Western Australia, also known as Equip College. His PhD research has been in the field of systematic theology (ecclesiology). He is also the founding pastor of Grace Community Church in Perth.

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Course Price: $60